Friday, September 9, 2011

Goodbye's Suck!

I am sorry for the crude title. If the girls said that I would get after them, but sometimes it just fits. Sorry this isn't going to be very funny, sorry...

The weather has been really grey and pretty dreary this week, but I have rather enjoyed it. It matched my mood. It's another transition time for friends of ours and subsequently us. Some are moving a few hundred miles away and others several thousand miles away. I hate goodbyes. Why does it seem that just after, friends are made, comfort levels increase, something goes and changes it? I know that is totally selfish, because both of these moves are good for our friends... but goodbyes still suck.

I have been thinking about all the goodbyes we have made over the years. All the friends that have come in and really touched our hearts and then we were separated for one reason or another. Our big goodbye when we moved across the country, leaving our family, GULP!.... Just so you know, I am really bad at goodbyes. I just feel awkward and never know what to say. I used to cry every time I left home for college (don't laugh sister, so did you!) I am not sure I am any better at it now... I just don't cry. Fortunately, we have contact with a lot of these friends and occasionally get to see some of them. But it's never quite the same as when you were in that particular situation, and you got to hang out a lot.

I would love to not have to say goodbye! but.... it's not forever right?

aufedersein! ciao! dosvedanya!

Well the sun is going to shine tomorrow, I just know it!

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