Thursday, September 22, 2011

Surprises... post #3

Hello! I haven't posted anything in a little while because I haven't had any time to think about anything! I really don't like that. But today was different... I finished work about 2:30 and that allowed me to do 2 things that I enjoy and let me just think about stuff. I did a long run (I am actually kind of proud of this... 8 miles at 8:30 min/mile pace... I am 41 after all!) and I mowed the lawn. Nothing like chugging down a road for an hour to let the mind wander. I then sat on a lawn tractor for 2.5 hours with nothing but the roar of the mower to keep me company. (my F.I.L. says my hearing aid is on order unless I start putting ear plugs in... he's right). So with that much time on my hands, this post will be a little long.... sorry.

I realized that we have had a number of surprises the last few weeks. I live with 3 girls and a wife... I should be used to surprises, right? And besides, I like surprises! Well these were not the knock your socks off, eyes wide open surprises. These were the think about it for a little while and say "hey, I didn't expect that" surprises. So, on to it.

Girl #3 came home this week and announced that she wanted to take dance. Now you would normally say that's not unusual. Most little girls 9 years old like to do ballet, tap, etc. Well G3 is not your typical girlie. She is a tom girl's tom girl. She likes mud, frogs, spiders, etc. She wears her baseball hat backwards... need I say more? When she makes a good shot in tennis, she sticks her chest out and taps it with her racket and then she stares at you. Her favorite outfit is a dirty t-shirt and sweats or a t-shirt and athletic shorts. She asks to wear this to church every week. When the boys give her a hard time on the playground she body slams them... and smiles afterwards. All the boys want to be her friend (except the ones she body slams) because G3 "is cool!" Sorry, I just can't see her in a tutu or tights! I am thinking that she may have more surprises for me in the future.

We got a call from Girl #2's math teacher on Monday night. That usually is not a good thing. G2 has been complaining all year because she wanted to be in the higher level math class but she didn't do well enough on some of her placement tests. Her complaint was that she got A's and her teacher recommended her for the algebra class and that should override a few points on the bubble sheet tests. (I hate bubble sheets!) Frankly, I couldn't have agreed with her more. We found out about the class this summer... I was an angry dad. I even wrote an excellent letter to the principal stating my (her) case. I know it would have convinced him, and if it didn't, my indignation would have. My number 1 girl had a cooler head, however (thankfully)! After prayer and much discussion, we decided to let this be a learning experience for G2. That if she wanted something bad enough, then make sure your scores were high enough to get it. In short, work harder!

 The phone call on monday... math teacher informed us that the entire pre-algebra class was going to be moved  ahead to algebra starting tomorrow. Huh? never heard of that before! Evidently a lot of the kids (including G2) had staged a coup-de-tat of sorts the previous week. A big group stated there frustration with being in the pre-algebra class. My purpose is not to brag on G2... although she is really smart! :) But somehow I had been saved from making a complete idiot out of myself to the principal and G2 was rewarded for her hard work the previous year. Providence??? I choose to think so, but you can decide for yourself.

So, I am thinking that Surprise #3 will have to wait for another night cause I am beat from my run. And, the next surpise will take a little more splainin' (said with cuban accent). And this blog is so long I would be surprised if you finished it! Tune in tomorrow if you want to hear the end of the story!

Later Gator!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Goodbye's Suck!

I am sorry for the crude title. If the girls said that I would get after them, but sometimes it just fits. Sorry this isn't going to be very funny, sorry...

The weather has been really grey and pretty dreary this week, but I have rather enjoyed it. It matched my mood. It's another transition time for friends of ours and subsequently us. Some are moving a few hundred miles away and others several thousand miles away. I hate goodbyes. Why does it seem that just after, friends are made, comfort levels increase, something goes and changes it? I know that is totally selfish, because both of these moves are good for our friends... but goodbyes still suck.

I have been thinking about all the goodbyes we have made over the years. All the friends that have come in and really touched our hearts and then we were separated for one reason or another. Our big goodbye when we moved across the country, leaving our family, GULP!.... Just so you know, I am really bad at goodbyes. I just feel awkward and never know what to say. I used to cry every time I left home for college (don't laugh sister, so did you!) I am not sure I am any better at it now... I just don't cry. Fortunately, we have contact with a lot of these friends and occasionally get to see some of them. But it's never quite the same as when you were in that particular situation, and you got to hang out a lot.

I would love to not have to say goodbye! but.... it's not forever right?

aufedersein! ciao! dosvedanya!

Well the sun is going to shine tomorrow, I just know it!

Monday, September 5, 2011

What's a Blog, second edition.

Well this is the second addition of "What's a Blog"... #1 got pulled for a variety of reasons. My blog will be a lot like Seinfeld... A whole lot about nothing!  Maybe mildly entertaining to you, but mostly for me to go back to and get a chuckle. However, it is a little scary to be inside my head even for a few minutes.

Again, I am not totally sure what a blog is or what it's for... but  I thought it might be fun to try. Since I seem to not be able to sleep much these days, it presents a good time to sit and write. The main reason I can't sleep is this blasted vertigo... the solution seems to be caffiene and sudafed. Which is good for vertigo but bad for sleep. In school, they told me sleep was overrated, so there you go.

The vertigo started last week when I awoke in the middle of the night and got up to go to the bathroom. I ended up in the closet instead of the bathroom and was lucky enough to be standing and not on my rear! My head has been swimming on and off ever since. I really think that it's related to a late summer cold that has been lingering in the house. Girl #1 (my permanent girlfriend) has been advising me to take an antibiotic. Being the good anti-medicine, male doctor that I am, I have refused. And as is usually the case, she will likely be proven right. We will see how long my pride (and the vertigo) persists!

The vertigo has made my typical duties of house work difficult, since any movement of my head sends me careening into a wall. My extra duties of tending the tomatoes/garden are also difficult, as well. Since every time I bend over to pick a tomato/bean/etc, the veggie's start spinning and I end up in the dirt. It's not pretty!

The other project that has taken a hit is the building of a chicken coop in the barn. I have been trying to do this all summer and for one reason or another, it has been delayed. Why chickens? I am not really sure what has possessed me to start caring for them. I thought it would be a good project for girls #2, #3, and #4. They, however, have found it difficult to help care for the 2 dogs, 2 cats, and horse that already are here! That is probably a little too harsh since they do help, even to the point of going on (dog) bomb finding expeditions in the yard (for a small fee from dad)! I have gotten zero done on the coop this week though, since power tools and vertigo seem to be a bad idea! (I am stubborn, but not totally stupid).

This blog seems to be a lot of whining and complaining so far. So I will try to change course. I have been reminded this week why complaining is generally bad... it seems that I have so many blessings around me, yet I don't really take notice of them. I seem to focus on the challenges and difficulties instead. This has been brought into sharp focus for me this week by a couple of situations.

One of the situations was a lecture given at grand rounds on friday by one of my retina fellows (for my family... don't make fun of the use of the word "fellow" here... it's just a description of a trainee). He spent the last academic year in swaziland... yes, the one in south africa. Apparently, there is only one ophthalmologist per 1 million people in swaziland. That's a lot of cataracts and a lot of job security! The other thing that jumped out at me from the talk (besides the national geographic style photos) was this,  the average citizen lives on $2.00 a day.... that's $60/month! (That's not even a tall pike place with room for cream, for the love of Mike!) Cataract surgery costs about $90 to $100 for the average person, and there is no such thing as health insurance. And when they do cataract surgery, it's cause the person is blind (like not being able to walk through a door, blind!) But somehow, families will pool together enough funds to get it done! Hello Mr. perspective, it is nice too meet you, my name is Peter...

So after hearing this talk, I promised not to whine or complain because if my veggies don't get tended to or my chicken coop doesn't happen, I can just go to Kroeger (there is a Starbucks in Kroeger, too).  The no whining from me lasted about 3 hours. But hopefully my brood of girls and I  can keep this lesson in the back of our mind for a while, at least...

That's a wrap on the final addition of Blog #1.